pmnh wildlife portrait archive : travelog

[news] The first phase of the renovation of our main museum website has been finished

The first phase of the renovation of our main website (Personal Museum of Natural History), which we've been working on for some time, has been completed. Today the bird section is open for public.

The main 'museum' hadn't been updated for about... ten years. This was essentially due to the structural limit of the original site, designed 20 years ago, to accommodate the growing number of images. It's only recently that things have finally started to move again, as we have the technology readily available to solve this 'container overflow' problem.

Since this renovation is primarily for the building portion of the museum, very little has actually changed on the inside. In other words, the parts of the content that we haven't updated or added in the last 10 years remain intact and unfinished. This is something we will have to work on.

At the moment, our next task is to work on the "renovation" of the mammal section and also plan to add some bird photos we took in Suriname, South America, three years ago.


Note that bird classification and scientific names have been reviewed for this renovation and all were made to conform to the TiF (Taxonomy in Flux) Project by John Boyd III, leaving Sibley-Ahlquist-Monroe system.
