[お知らせ] 年賀状アップロードしました
12/31/12 20:30 category :news
恒例の年賀状をアップロードしました。 今年はハガキにしたもの(毎年、用途ごとに全部で5種類ほどプリントしたもの)は、ガラガラ、ガラガラ、ニシキ、シマヘビ、マムシ、と錚々たる顔ぶれでしたが、そのなかからマムシで。よいお年を。
We’ve uploaded a greeting card for the new year. Since 2013 is a year of SNAKE according to the oriental calendar, the card features a Japanese Mamushi I encountered a couple of years ago in a small island.
We’ve uploaded a greeting card for the new year. Since 2013 is a year of SNAKE according to the oriental calendar, the card features a Japanese Mamushi I encountered a couple of years ago in a small island.